About Us
The past year has been crazy and full of the unexpected, to say the least. When the pandemic hit, the startup company Sidney worked for was greatly impacted; it wasn't long before he was part of a staff reduction. This was a hard punch to the gut but we decided to make lemonade out of lemons... as the saying goes.
Despite what the pandemic took away from us, it also gave us the gift of time. Sidney has always enjoyed building with wood but never had the time to experiment with different hardwood projects. We were also in a very fortunate position to be able to invest in the tools he needed to advance his skills. There would never be a better time to start the small business we had dreamed of!
Sidney is the talent behind the beautiful creations you see. The discovery of an amazing talent actually started out as tinkering in the garage. After many projects for family and friends, we finally realized this was the beginning of something special that had to be shared. Our three children enjoy watching, learning, and even participating in creating some of our woodwork orders. With a background in advertising, sales, graphic design, and countless hobbies, Sidney is able to incorporate his many skills to make art using wood.
Tracy is the one behind the camera, capturing the magic. What was once a hobby has now turned into an essential part of her very own small business. Photography allows her to capture memories and beauty in the everyday, which is important to have with three kids growing up. Just before the pandemic, she decided to step away from her dream job as a Child Life Specialist to focus on her family. Funny how things work themselves out.